Tuesday, January 17, 2006

White Bird

I was driving up 79 early this morning on a photo shoot when I saw the most amazing thing. Helicoptering down out of the rain clouds was a giant white feather. It landed in the cut beneath some power transmission lines about three hundred feet off the road. This feather was at least nine foot long and two foot wide. It landed like a small snow drift on the dead brown brush.

I was going about eighty miles an hour and I was late to shoot a tray of cheesecake in Wexford for a billboard. I thought about stopping and grabbing the feather, or at least taking a picture of it. But I was so late. And I am sorry now I didn't. My dear mother thinks the birds are planning something. She will not like the sound of this.

I might go back tomorrow to see if it's still there or I might wait for another one to fall. I'll bet a bird scientist would buy it on Ebay for some decent Birdman money. If not Em could take it in to school and pretty much shut down all the future Show and Tells at her school for the next thirty years.

"Jake if that round rock is the best you can do...."


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