Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Intelligent Design My Ass

All you have to do is look at those two lump-a-zoids sleeping down at the end of my bed to know there is no such thing.

Oh sure the whiskers are mostly in the designated whisker region. I guess you'd call those things in the back tails. And every once in a while a furball does seem to explode from one or the other like it says in the manual...but to call that Intelligent Design is delusional.

Then again you have Evolution standing over there in the corner in his red cape, with his laser pointer saying, Don't look at me. I tried to get rid of cats a long time ago. Me I like the Horseshoe Crab for an indoor pet...

Hmmmmmm? Think. Kent. Think. Ok. Some of us evolved... and some of us got accidently left by careless space aliens when they were here building the Pyramids and inventing Pole Vaulting.
This would explain G.W. talking in riddles, cats, and why Ralph Fiennes is dating a 61 year old woman. What else is there to expain?

Teach that Mississippi.


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