Sunday, February 26, 2006

Cheers! Boo!

If you don't love the Winter Olympics there is a hole in your soul. I can hardly wait for Vancouver. Cheers!

PBS is chasing the rarely seen snow leopard through out the Himalaya. Why can't there be some mystery in the world? A man hides a camera under a rock, and before you know it the world is watching a ghost cat pissing all over every rock he passes. Thanks I know giant house cats roam the Himalaya. Boo!


Blogger Von Helvete said...

Was in 33A once in Spetember if you wanna check my rantings.. Also, very happy that your prayers to the snow God paid of. Allah is great and delivered for me as well when I was in Switzerland.

The First Lady's Bush Rules

12:22 PM  
Blogger Von Helvete said...


I miss your entries. Hope you're ok and the cat has not finished you off, once and for all. But then again you did mention something about Dick in one of you late entries so maybe the CIA has shipped you to Cuba by now.

Be better /KvH

3:55 PM  

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