Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Lost Car Keys

How would you find a set of car keys lost in a field of deep grass the size of ten football fields?

Would you do this?

Go back the next evening while the sun still has some juice, with another set of keys. Walk around the field until your hand becomes too tired to hold the keys. And then drop the keys. But since the pair of keys you borrowed are a little heavier than the keys you lost walk forward ten more feet. Look down.

And bend over and pick up the lost keys.

My friend L is a scientist. She defined the parameters of the problem. She designed an experiment that addressed the variables within those parameters. She executed the experiment. And then she bent over and picked up her lost keys.

She says she's lucky. I say we send her after Osama.

"Well where was he standing?"
"How big are his feet?"
"Was he wearing sunglasses?"

That's him. Over there. In the shorts. By the camel.


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